
Tower Record

Prior to the 1906 earthquake, there was a seven-story tower on the northeast
corner of the mansion. Today, all that remains is the railing seen above.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great blog and great pictures. Do you happen to know the boundaries of the original 160 acres that Sarah Winchester purchased from Dr. Caldwell?


12:05 PM  
Blogger Stephen said...

I can give approximate boundaries, please follow along with this satellite photo from Google Maps

The northern boundary of her property was Steven's Creek Blvd, although interestiningly she was never able to purchase the corner lot at what is now Steven's Creek and Winchester. The eastern boundary was Santa Clara-Los Gatos road (now renamed Winchester Blvd), until she bought some property on the opposite side of the road to prevent development. The southern boundary is now Moorpark Avenue.

Given those boundaries, 160 acres would put the western boundary line just beyond Boynton Avenue.

By the way, in the satellite photo you can see the burned remains of the Santana Row fire, which came very close to destroying the mansion. You can read about it here.

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks so much. You were able to answer for me what 2 hours of google couldn't!

Will be taking the kids to WMH closer to Halloween and will request your tour.

Thanks again!

1:03 PM  
Blogger Stephen said...

Well, I wish I could give you the tour, but I don't actually work there anymore. Still, I hope you enjoy yourself at the mansion, and come back here with all of your questions.

5:17 PM  

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